Independent Living

UK guidance on accessible homes

I've blogged before about why I ended up building my own home, sadly I couldn't find anything that met my needs as a power chair user. Based on my experiences...

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Reading time: 7 mins

Appointing a team leader, or not!

Whilst I lived at home, then with only a handful of teenagers supporting me one at a time, it wasn’t necessary to have a team leader.  I’ve now experienced 4...

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Reading time: 4 mins

Personality matters – recruiting personal assistants

I mentioned in my blog in June about the importance of having positive relationships with personal assistants. The recruitment process is key to making a good appointment.  It is not...

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Reading time: 4 mins
Beth Moulam hugging communication device AAC

Starting university with a team of personal assistants

This is the second in a series of 4 posts about employing my own team. Having had personal assistants in my life for 7 years when I went to university...

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Reading time: 3 mins
Beth Moulam woman with cerebral palsy, learning to relax when leading a team.

Employing personal assistants as a teenager

My first personal assistant was employed using direct payments from Social Services when I was 12 years old. In hindsight the decision on who to employ was actually quite easy,...

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Reading time: 4 mins