How I communicate
I was doing some work on my website and found this video made 'some time' ago. It is about how I communicate. These days I often refer to myself as...

Pathways to Leadership Webinar
I'm delighted to have been invited as a panellist for the ISAAC Pathways to Leadership webinar which took place on Monday 21 September, 2020 at 8pm GMT The LEAD committee...

Learning to say No!
Everyone likes to be liked, and for some people it seems that saying no is harder than for others. In the past I’ve been made to feel bad, that saying...

It’s all in a name: Employing personal assistants
When I started out employing personal assistants at the age of 12, as a family, we considered all of the different titles the role may be called from carer to...

Appointing a team leader, or not!
Whilst I lived at home, then with only a handful of teenagers supporting me one at a time, it wasn’t necessary to have a team leader. I’ve now experienced 4...

Personality matters – recruiting personal assistants
I mentioned in my blog in June about the importance of having positive relationships with personal assistants. The recruitment process is key to making a good appointment. It is not...

Starting university with a team of personal assistants
This is the second in a series of 4 posts about employing my own team. Having had personal assistants in my life for 7 years when I went to university...

Employing personal assistants as a teenager
My first personal assistant was employed using direct payments from Social Services when I was 12 years old. In hindsight the decision on who to employ was actually quite easy,...

Positive discrimination in boccia
Is it right or fair that a woman should be chosen to represent her nation over a male who has a better competitive track record? Boccia is a mixed gender...