Beth Moulam using Mac, TD Pilot and Proloquo4Text

AI for speech

There’s been a lot in the press and on social media in recent months about AI for speech. It seems artificial intelligence, might offer benefits for many people with communication...

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Reading time: 8 mins
UNCRPD committee Geneva

What gets measured gets done

On Monday 6 March 2023, Jacob Matthew (Australia) and I had the opportunity to address the 288h UNCRPD committee on communication rights.  We were privileged to once more be representing...

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Reading time: 5 mins
Beth Moulam holding stylus to direct input to communicate using AAC. Woman using AAC wearing glasses and sporting white sports top.

Direct input to communicate using AAC

Being given all the tools to communicate is brilliant.  However, being human there are sometimes unexpected physical and environmental factors that impact our output. Occasionally however hard I try I...

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Reading time: 6 mins
AAC speech is not free. Picture of an ipad used as a communication device

AAC speech is not free

We live in a society where we supposedly have the right to freedom of speech.  The majority of the population can say what they think, when they want and where...

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Reading time: 6 mins
AAC spoons and speech fatigue. 5 coloured plastic spoons in pink, green, orange, purple and red on a pink background as a visual for spoon theory

AAC, spoons and speech fatigue

I’ve spent several years using spoon theory to effectively explain to others my physical energy and fatigue levels. However, I realise that spoon theory could also be adapted to self-management...

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Reading time: 6 mins
UNCRPD committee meeting 15 August 2022, Geneva. Inside the chamber.

International Communication Rights Alliance

I've been a committee member on the International Communication Rights Alliance (ICRA) since January 2021. ICRA has been working towards operationalising communication rights for those with comprehensive communication needs.  Jacob...

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Reading time: 5 mins
Beth Moulam, girl in red and white t shirt, looking at books sat in wheelchair, world book day

World Book Day and developing literacy

In celebration of world book day, I thought I'd do a developing literacy post.  Without the ability to read then the world of written books remains inaccessible. Literacy is a...

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Reading time: 11 mins
2 balls on a balance board to show planned versus spontaneity in augmentative and alternative communication using AAC

Using AAC means being understood

Have you ever opened your mouth to speak only to find you can’t get a word into the conversation? Or managed to say something, just at the point everyone goes...

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Reading time: 3 mins
AAC users socialising, sharing my passion for AAC, in Lisbon at ISAAC 2014

AAC and identity

We are all different.  A big part of my own identity is undoubtedly my physical disability, my communication impairment, and my hearing loss, and all of these contribute to how...

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Reading time: 7 mins
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