Several people have asked recently for me to share about my accomplishments.  Below is a sort of CV including publications, speeches and workshops. It is definitely not fully comprehensive!

Published Articles:

M, K. (pseudonym) (2005) ‘My Life Story’, Communication Matters Journal, Vol 19 (2), August 2005, pp.19-20.

Moulam, B. (2006) ‘Making Friends at ISAAC 2006’, Communication Matters Journal, Vol 20 (3), November 2006, p15.

Hewson, T. & Moulam, B. (2006) ‘BT ChildLine Awards’, Communication Matters Journal, Vol 20, No. 3, November 2006, pp 18-19.

Moulam, L. Murphy, J. Hartley, S. & Moulam, B. (2008) ‘The ISAAC Conference’ Communication Matters Journal, Vol 22 (3) November 2008.

Moulam, B. (2009) ‘Life is beautiful if you let it be’.

Moulam, B. (2010) ‘The Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – labelled?’, Communication Matters Journal, Vol 24 (3) November 2010.

Moulam. B. (2011) ‘Sitting GCSE’s using AAC – A personal perspective’.  Communication Matters Journal, Vol 25 (3) November 2011.

Moulam. B. (2012) ‘ISAAC 2012 conference – our world’. Communication Matters Journal, Vol 26 (3) November 2012.

Moulam. B. (2013) ‘Communication on the move’. Communication Matters Journal, Vol 27 (1) April 2013.

Moulam. B. (2013) ‘My way to language and literacy’. Communication Matters Journal, Vol 27 (2) September 2013.

Moulam, B. & Green, E. (2014) ‘Connectedness’. Communication Matters Journal, Vol 28 (2) August 2014.

Moulam, B. (2015) ‘Report from Polish International’ []

Moulam, B. (2016) ‘Me and my extended shadow – living with personal assistance’ Communication Matters Journal, Vol 30 (3) November 2016.

Moulam, B. (2020) ‘Dreaming the dream: a lifetime accessible home’. Project Safety Matters, Association of Project Safety, Edinburgh, Issue 13 Autumn 2020.

Moulam, B. (2021) ‘My communication is my communication’ Communication Matters Journal, Vol 35 (1) April 2021.

Moulam, B. (2022) ‘Expectation environments’ Communication Matters Journal, Vol 36 (1) April 2022.

Moulam, B. (2023) ‘Transferring AAC skills into sporting success’ Communication Matters Journal, Vol 37 (2) August 2023.

Hewson, H, and Moulam, B. (2024) ‘Our Futures: Workshops Findings’ Communication Matters Journal, Vol 38 (2) August 2024.

Hanschell, A, Broomfield, K, Moulam, B, and Whittle, H. (2024) ‘The Communication Matters Research Interest Network’ Communication Matters Journal, Vol 38 (2) August 2024.

The Communication Matters Journal is published by Communication Matters (ISAAC) UK.   Articles under 2 years old may require membership to read, older articles are free.


Conference Activity: selected  (Author and lead unless indicated)

‘My Life Story’, ISAAC Conference, Dusseldorf, 2006.

‘Life is beautiful if you let it be’, 1 Voice Network day, Telford, 2008 & ‘ISAAC Conference, Montreal, 2008.

‘How professionals can help AAC users’, Co-presenter with 1 Voice Teenagers, Communication Matters Conference, 2009.

‘The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth: Labelled?’, Communication Matters Conference, Leicester, 2009 & ISAAC Conference, Barcelona, 2010.

‘1 Voice Teenagers – Making a Difference’, Co-presenter with 1 Voice Teenagers, ISAAC Conference, Barcelona, 2010.

‘Dance workshop’, Co-presenter, ISAAC Conference, Barcelona, 2010.

‘Sitting GCSE’s using AAC – a personal perspective’, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds, 2011.

‘Sitting UK National Exams – an AAC perspective’, ISAAC Conference, Pittsburgh, 2012.

‘My way to language and literacy’, Communication Matters Conference, Leicester, 2012.

‘Communication on the move’, Communication challenges of learning to drive Communication Matters Conference, Leicester, 2012.

‘Connectedness – up close and personal’ Co-Presenter Emma Green, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds, 2013 & ISAAC Conference, Lisbon, 2014.

‘Are young people who use AAC equipped to live independently?’, Communication Matters Conference, 2014.

‘Me and my extended shadow – living independently with a support team’, Communication Matters Conference, 2015 & ISAAC Conference, Toronto, 2016.

‘Synaesthesia: an explosion of the senses and the impact on thinking and learning’, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds, 2016.

‘The ties that bind us, moving on’ Co-presenter Liz Moulam, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds, September 2017 & ISAAC Conference, Gold Coast, July 2018.

‘Two powerchairs and AAC to Tokyo 2020’ CPISRA International Physical Activity Virtual Conference, December 2021.

‘Where now for disability sport policy?’ (Poster), CPISRA International Physical Activity Virtual Conference, December 2021.

‘Expectation Environments’ European Academy of Child Development, Barcelona, May 2022.

‘Research Opportunities’, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds, September 2023.

‘Self-Advocacy for AAC users’, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds September 2024.

Her talk was brilliant, and it was packed! Beth is an incredible woman”

‘Our Futures: Follow up’, Co-presenters Helen Hewson, Helen Whittle, Saff Murphy-Mann Communication Matters Conference, Leeds September 2024.

‘The International Communication Rights Alliance’ Co-presenter Jacob Matthews, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds September 2024.

‘The AAC Connection’ Co-Presenter Joanna Holmes, Communication Matters Conference, Leeds September 2024.


Workshops and Training (selection): Workshop author/lead unless indicated

‘Daring to Dream’, (Co-Lead with Mel Smith) for Youth Group, Epsom, 2012.

‘Pre-Conference Dreams Workshop’, (Co-leads Mel Smith, Jennifer Seal), ISAAC, Gold Coast, 2018.

‘Leadership Development Workshop for AAC users’ Beth Moulam (Co-author/Lead with Lateef McLeod, Yoo-Sun Chung), ISAAC, Gold Coast, 2018.

‘Pathways to Leadership’ Webinar for International Society for Alternative and Augmentative Communication, 2020.

‘AAC Awareness’ Training: facilitating AAC users on digital platforms, Boccia England, Nottingham, 2020.

‘The use of social media in developing an online presence’: Workshop for AT Therapy Mentors. Oldham, 2021.

‘Making Dreams Come True’ online workshop for York International Women’s Week, March 2022.

‘AAC and Identity’ 2-part workshop for Breaking the Ice National Conference, Canada, January & April 2022.

‘Dreams, hard work and resilience’ Motivational assemblies and tailored workshops in schools across England, 2022 and ongoing.

‘Privilege and ableism’ Motivational assemblies in schools across England, 2022 and ongoing.

‘Learning to lead’ Beth Moulam, series tailored workshops on leadership skills for independent living, 2022 & ongoing.

‘AAC and communication, an introduction’ Beth Moulam, Various different intensity workshops for University of York Social Work students 2023.

‘Self-Advocacy skills’ ‘Beth Moulam, UP – The Cerebral Palsy Movement 2023.

‘AAC and literacy’ Beth Moulam, for Access Technology, 2023.

‘Communication Partner Skills Training’ Beth Moulam & Joanna Holmes (Co-leads), at Communication Matters Conference 2023.

‘Our futures: AAC user workshop’ Beth Moulam & Helen Hewson (Co-leads), at Communication Matters Conference 2023.

‘What I wish I’d known then: The adolescent years and AAC’, Beth Moulam for Access Technology, 2024.

A resounding ‘That was excellent!!’ …. Really well put together session and extremely valuable for us to hear your insight.


Invited Talks (selection):

‘My Life Story’, ACE, Network Day, Oxford, 2005.

‘My Life Story’, 1 Voice Working Together Network Weekend, Northampton, 2006.

‘My future’, Office of Disability Issues Transition workshop, London, 2007.

‘My Life Story’, Beaumont College Inspiring People Conference, Lancaster, 2007.

‘My Life Story’, International Child Development Conference, Athens, 2008.

‘European Network for Independent Living Leadership workshop findings’ (Co-Speaker), European Parliament, Strasbourg, 2012.

‘My communication experience’, The AAC expert user group, University of Dundee, 2012.

‘Accessing GCSEs using AAC’, School of Computing Science, University of Dundee, 2012.

‘Best Practice in Teaching and Learning’, Disability support officers training seminar, Dundee, 2012.

Her [Beth’s]attention to detail is unparalleled as she crafts her talks sentence by sentence …… The quality of the content of her talk, her professionalism and her ability to integrate several technologies impressed all who attended and provided staff with new insights into the potential of individuals with complex needs.”

‘Living Independently’ (video), International Society Augmentative and Alternative Communication Chapter Conference, Israel, 2016.

‘Personal Experience Workshop’, Childhood Disability module, Canterbury College, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.

‘Nutritional Needs of Elite Disabled Athlete’, MSc Nutrition, Leeds Beckett University, 2018, 2019.

‘Safeguarding in Sport from an athlete perspective’ (Co-Lead Tina Woods), Ann Craft Trust & North Yorkshire Sport, Harrogate, 2018.

‘Parental workshop’, Specialised Assistive Technology Centre, Singapore, 2019.

‘Lifetime homes’ (on-line) York City Council and Architects on 2 city housing developments, Virtual, 2020.

‘The importance of dreaming’, (on-line) UK Boccia Federation: Take the Floor series, 2020.

‘Experiences and perspectives on education’, (pre-recorded interview), Department of Social Work and Social Policy, University of York, 2021.

‘Passion for Potential: Expectation environments’ Keynote speaker, Communication Matters online conference, September 2021

This really fired me up and got me thinking about how we can build potential and encourage success in the wider community as well as in the family and school. Beth’s passion for the subject was clear, and contagious.”

‘Routes to AAC Assessment for children and young people’, (online) Invited panellist, British Assistive Technology Association AAC special interest group, 2022.

‘Communication Rights Part 1 (online) Address to UNCRPD on behalf of the International Communication Rights Alliance, August 2022.

‘AAC and the Paralympics’, Keynote Plenary Speaker Communication Matters Conference, Leeds, September 2022

‘Communication Rights Part 2’ (online) Address to UNCRPD on behalf of the International Communication Rights Alliance, March 2023.

‘Get Seen’ Keynote speaker, Communication Works South & Communication Works North, May 2023.

Wow! What an inspirational keynote speech by Beth……. Listening to Beth it’s crystal clear that effective Assistive technology can transform dreams into reality.  Thank you for inspiring us all Beth!

‘Embracing the future together’ Keynote Speaker, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy Conference, London, November 2023.

We’ve received a lot of wonderful feedback from our members and other delegates who attended ….. expressing their gratitude at being able to access such useful and informative content and see the high quality of work that is being carried out in our profession”

‘Embracing the future together’ East Midlands AAC Cen, April 2024.

‘Communication Partner Skills’ with Joanna Holmes, AAC Special Interest Group, June 2024

‘The difference you make’ Keynote Speaker, Capability Scotland Glasgow, September 2024.

Your contribution was so valuable to us”

If you would like to share my passion for AAC and talk more about my publications, speeches and workshops  contact me