Whose voice is it?
Having ownership of your voice is something we can easily take for granted. We might experience a cold, even have a bout of laryngitis but for the most part when we do speak we sound like ourselves. Our voice is part of our identity. So, when you use augmentative and...

Disability Power 100
Each year, the Shaw Trust hosts the Disability Power 100. This prestigious event celebrates the 100 most influential disabled people in the UK across 10 categories. All nominees are voted for by a judging panel of their peers making the awards something special. In 2023, I was absolutely blown away...

International AAC Awareness Month
October is International AAC Awareness Month. This year, I thought I would share a series of thoughts and prompts about using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Access The top of my list is undoubtedly access. We can have all sorts of communication resources; however, without access to them, we won't...

Publications, speeches and workshops
Several people have asked recently for me to share about my accomplishments. Below is a sort of CV including publications, speeches and workshops. It is definitely not fully comprehensive! Published Articles: M, K. (pseudonym) (2005) ‘My Life Story’, Communication Matters Journal, Vol 19 (2), August 2005, pp.19-20. Moulam, B. (2006)...

Who is a professional?
I find this an interesting question: Who is a professional? Am I a professional? What makes someone a professional in their own eyes and in the eyes of others? In my mind, I often have imposter syndrome; how is it possible that I can be doing the things I’m doing? ...

Becoming an AAC ally
Allies are essential for us all, and they can come from every part of life. A great ally wants to ensure they are inclusive of you. But more than this the best allies want to create a level playing field for everyone. They listen to AAC users, they help identify...

The ripple effect
First, there was Stephen Hawking, the physicist. Then came Lee Ridley, comedian, also known as ‘Lost Voice Guy’. Now we have Rob Burrow, an ex-rugby league professional and an advocate for motor neurone disease (MND). It is heart-warming to see the mainstream media airtime around using augmentative and alternative communication...